Lived Experience Blog

When the question is always Why?

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but for me, it remains a life-affirming pursuit. From as far back as I can remember..around the age of 3, I’ve been asking this question Why? ‘Why would someone choose to do that? “What would motivate that decision? “How did they arrive at this point? “ “When did…

The Lived Experience of Integration in Relationships

The Science… ‘Secure attachment creates integration in the brain because communication in relationships early in life have been integrative. When you have experiences in relationships where honouring of differences & then promoting of compassionate, caring linkages ….  those relational…


I remember the first time I ever used a Sat Nav. I was sent on a training course by my new employer, to an unfamiliar town. A short time after starting in my new role as a Sales Executive, my employer had volunteered me for a training day which meant driving a far distance from where I lived and…

My Understanding of the TRUST Acronym

I recently completed the Trauma Informed TRUST with Lived Experience Insight online course, created and delivered by A Positive Start CIC where I have been a Board member since 2018. This kind of training appeals to me, I’m an NLP and Lived Experience practitioner, working hard to realise my…

Jimmy Savile: A Netflix Documentary

Last night I observed the recently released Netflix documentary about the serial child sex offender; Jimmy Savile... I don't watch much television these days, apart from the occasional documentary as and when I find the time. I stopped watching the News completely a few years back, after becoming…

fantasy, spirit, nightmare

Evolving through Trauma

Physical birth, welcomes to earth, A malleable, pliable mind! The innate yearning, for advancement & learning, Ripe for either harm or kind!   Confidence or Limitation, determines strength or navigation, installing the routes young minds take! Self-worth, free choice,…

Coincidence & Connection

(Originally written May 2020) I’m interested in hearing about strange Coincidences and Connections that you have experienced in your life for an upcoming podcast. If you’re happy to share, and are willing to join me on a podcast for series 3, please get in touch.  In the meantime,  Here are a…

Geschäftsleute beim Hände schütteln für Zusammenarbeit

The Agreements We Live By

The Four Agreements, is a Toltec Wisdom book written by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book is described by Deepak Chopra as a roadmap to enlightenment and freedom.  I recommend this book to anyone who is genuinely interested in personal development and seeking freedom, happiness and love in their lives. I…

Coercive Behaviour

Those of us with lived experience of toxic environments and oppressive relationships, recognise the familiar territory of coercive, manipulative behaviours which I’ve written about a lot over the years in my blog posts and abuse prevention workshops. ‘Narcissist’, has become…