Healing the Mind, Body & Soul

Located in the historic town of Hawick in the picturesque Scottish Borders, A Positive Start CIC (APS CIC) is a trauma-informed, emotional health and wellbeing community interest company. We are dedicated to supporting community mental health through professional, person-centred counselling, holistic therapy, and psycho-education.

Our mission is to create a safe, non-judgmental environment where individuals feel genuinely seen and heard. We prioritize person-centred principles such as congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathetic understanding to cultivate trust. In the face of trauma, we offer reassurance, understanding, safety, and truth. All our staff, volunteers, and subcontractors undergo trauma-informed TRUST training to ensure a consistent and supportive experience for everyone we serve.

Our ethos is rooted in creating a balanced and inclusive support system for all clients. Our therapists, who are self-employed professionals, support both paying and non-paying clients, ensuring equitable care. This collaborative approach prioritizes community well-being and equitable access to therapy.

We are committed to a holistic approach to healing that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Our former thrift shop is now a meeting room offering a drop-in service, workshops, and group therapy sessions. This space supports individual healing journeys and fosters a sense of community. At APS CIC, we believe everyone has the right to access quality holistic support for their healing journey.

Join us in our mission to foster a safer, healthier, and more compassionate, trauma-informed society.

Person-Centred Counselling

Dealing with life's challenges through understanding and empowerment

Counselling & Therapy

Person-centred counselling offers a secure, confidential, and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings. The initial session is both an assessment and an opportunity to meet the counsellor who will accompany you on your journey. It's also the moment to ask questions and ascertain if our services meet your requirements.

We provide a range of tools and holistic approaches to help manage emotions. Among these is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is a safe, gentle, and non-invasive therapy available to anyone interested in trying it.

Please note; Our services are not suitable for individuals experiencing current crisis. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, do not use this site, instead, contact emergency services or the Samaritans for immediate assistance

Contact Samaritans
S.T.A.N.D - Stop, Think, Act, Never Doubt

We use the acronym STAND as a mnemonic aid during recovery. There is a crucial gap between the trigger and our response to it. We can teach you to recognise this space and stand in your power.


After experiencing trauma, it's common for individuals to doubt themselves and their abilities. This self-doubt can be overwhelming and may hinder the healing process. The phrase "never doubt" serves as a powerful reminder to learn to trust yourself again. It encourages individuals to recognize their inner strength and resilience, helping them to rebuild confidence and move forward on their self-discovery journey.

Parent Protectors Workshop

Parent Protectors is a CPD-accredited live workshop designed for parents and caregivers. This workshop aims to raise awareness about grooming behaviours, supporting prevention efforts, and contributing to abuse prevention. We welcome instructors, trainers, and organisations interested in continuing professional development and enhancing their expertise in safeguarding practices.

In response to the growing recognition that children and adults can fall victim to behaviours leading to manipulation, exploitation, abuse, and coercive control, this workshop was developed to address these critical issues. Understanding how these behaviours occur is essential for effective prevention.

"There are only two ways to influence human behaviour - you can choose to manipulate or inspire!"

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Lived Experience Insight

"Experience is, for me, the highest authority" Carl Rogers

Our Approach to Healing

At A Positive Start CIC, we recognise the profound importance of lived experience in our healing journey. We support individuals in using their knowledge and experiences to develop and grow, helping them recognize, cope with, and heal emotionally from the impact of trauma.

"We cannot avoid trauma; suffering is part of the human condition. If we try to deny it, we create more suffering. If we try to avoid painful experiences, we create more pain." - Dr. Peter Levine

Our small, empathetic team of Lived Experience Practitioners, also known as "wounded healers," brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organisation. Continued professional development is essential to our growth and success. We are passionate about supporting people holistically on a compassionate journey of self-discovery and recovery.

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Our Approach

At A Positive Start CIC, we blend lived experience with evidence-based practice to guide our decision-making. Lived experience enriches our understanding, while evidence-based practice, grounded in critical thinking and the best available evidence, ensures our services are effective and successful.

We recognise that individual life experiences vary, and similar experiences do not always lead to identical outcomes. By gathering a diverse range of personal experiences, we gain more accurate insights.

As practitioners, we are committed to continuous learning and growth. We draw on insights from listening to people's first-hand experiences, staying updated with the latest scientific research, and engaging in ongoing personal development.

This approach helps us bridge the gap between education and lived experience, ensuring our services are well-rounded and impactful.

Our Training & Workshops

At A Positive Start CIC, we combine lived experience with the latest scientific literature to create innovative training courses, workshops, and webinars on a wide range of topics we are passionate about.

Our Trauma Informed TRUST workshop, accredited by the EFT & Mindfulness Centre, is an online program designed for adults and professionals who work with trauma survivors. This workshop delves into the impact of trauma on individuals, relationships, children, and communities, offering valuable insights and practical knowledge.

Our TRUST framework—Trigger identification, Reassurance, Understanding, Safety, and Truth—forms the foundation of our approach. It provides a compassionate and nurturing environment where healing can truly begin.

Connecting Mind, Body and Soul

Spiritual wellness does not necessarily mean becoming religious, although the two often share overlapping practices and principles. Instead, spiritual health focuses on how you connect with your inner self and the greater world around you.

To support your spiritual health, consider spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, and dedicating a few minutes each day to meditation. If you are religious, take the time to practice your faith.

Holistic health is defined as a form of healing that considers the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Together with our associates, we offer a wide range of holistic therapies, including creative art with attentive artists, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, coaching sessions, and Reiki sessions.

Courses &  Workshops

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When I'm Gone e-Book

Parenting 2.0

Lived Learning

EFT & Mindfulness